Making the most of your at home coffee bar!

Now that you have created the perfect home coffee bar it is a great time to review how to prepare those amazing barista worthy drinks! The beginning of most coffee house drinks is a good espresso – but don’t worry, you don’t necessarily need a fancy and often confusing multi-levered gadget to prepare one. You can brew a great espresso at home using other proven methods...

The best coffee gifts for 2020

Two great things about 2020? More time at home with those we love, and more time for enjoying the small moments that bring joy and comfort to our day, including the time to make a delicious cup of coffee. Today, we are translating results from Mintel's, Minetta's, and Melitta North America's 2020 coffee trends studies... Continue Reading →

How to make a great cup of coffee

Ready to fool your guests into believing you have an at-home barista? It is much easier than you think! Regardless of the brew method or beans chosen, adhering to these coffee making musts will ensure you always have a great cup.

What to look for when buying a coffee brewer

Speed, size, price, maintenance, Taste! Purchasing a coffee brewer is a commitment, especially if you rely on it to brew your first cup of the day. Before jumping right into brewer characteristics, it's important to identify the type of machine that is right for you. The self-assessment The first step in choosing a coffee machine... Continue Reading →

Iced coffee, Japanese style

No more watered-down or stale summer iced coffee! If you love the sound of that, you'll love the sound of this: the Japanese brew method for iced coffee "flash freezes" your coffee, ensuring that all of the beans' natural aromatics and flavor notes are preserved. Best of all, brewing is easy, quick, and requires only... Continue Reading →

Brewing the perfect cup with an Aeropress

For those of you unfamiliar with the Aeropress, it is a wonderful, compact single cup pressure brewer. This fantastic hand brewer requires only human pressure (no electricity), fresh coffee grounds, and hot water to brew a delicious cup. Another great thing about Aeropress is that it makes the perfect travel companion! Lightweight and durable, you... Continue Reading →

Pods vs. K-cups: The breakdown

Is a coffee pod the same thing as a K-cup? No, but we understand your confusion! Technically, a pod is any self-contained unit and K-cup vendors often use the words interchangeably. However, when speaking about single serve coffee options, the pod and the K-cup share little in common – they have different shapes, work in... Continue Reading →

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