Life on the coffee mountain

It starts with a drive up the mountain. A steep, winding drive that brings you closer and closer to the cloud line. The air becomes drier and thinner, the vegetation changes from plush bushes to soaring trees and layers of undergrowth. The only sounds you hear are the birds, the engine, and an occasional car in the distance...

My first cup

People say I am too young to remember but I know they are wrong. I’ll never forget the first time I saw that deep brown molten silk gracefully pierce the white of the milk below, creating a marvelously caramel-colored swirl in the bottom of my white cup. my cup – my first unforgettable cup of... Continue Reading →

Coffee talk and grandmothers

"Don't talk to me before my first up of coffee." My grandmother used to wake up at 4:30 am so she could ease into the day, sipping her first cup of coffee uninterrupted. Most of the time nana came across as a patient, kind, generous woman but god help the fool who came between her and... Continue Reading →

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